Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea? Check Out These Tips For Good Health!

Sleep apnea can be an extremely dangerous condition that requires treatment from a qualified physician. Neither you nor your sleeping partner should ignore sleep apnea. Make it a habit to learn all the latest information about sleep apnea.

A common reason for sleep apnea to occur is increased weight. Losing weight may help to greatly reduce sleep apnea symptoms in many patients. There should be a weight loss plan in place that restricts calories. Exercising should be a part of this plan as well. It may be worth it to look into diet plans that reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you eat.

If you are dealing with sleep apnea and you’re a smoker and drinker, you should quit now to help improve the symptoms of this condition. These habits can cause airways to relax too much, which can worsen sleep apnea and snoring. As an added benefit, keep in mind that ditching these bad habits will put extra money back into your pocket, whereas extensive medical treatments will cost you a great deal.

Have a mouth guard fitted for your needs. These are made especially for those suffering from sleep apnea. They make a good substitute for CPAP machine use, and provide better nighttime comfort. Invest into a mouth guard instead of having a loud machine keep others up at night.

Excess weight also causes sleep apnea, so losing weight is a very good idea. The link between sleep apnea and obesity in its sufferers has been well-proven. If you are obese, even just losing twenty pounds can significantly improve sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep while on your side. Sleeping on your back is more likely to cause snoring and apnea. If you sleep on your back, your airway may become blocked when mouth tissues slide back. Breathing is much simpler when you sleep on one of your sides. If you move around at night and tend to always wind up on your back, try propping yourself up with pillows.

The information you just read gave you some excellent tips on how to help cope with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is not a condition that should be ignored. Keep the information you read here close by, and let others know about this condition so they too can be knowledgeable about sleep apnea.

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