I’d Love To Go Camping – What Do I Need?

You’re missing out on a lot if you haven’t been camping. Falling asleep under the stars and waking up to the sounds of nature is incredible. If you have been hesitant to try camping because you’re not sure how to go about it, the following article can help.

After you buy your camping tent, set it up at home rather than waiting until your trip to set it up for the first time. This will allow you to get the experience needed for erecting your tent. In addition, it will eradicate a portion of the frustration often associated with erecting a new tent.

Make sure your survival kit is available on a constant basis. This kit should include water-purifying tablets, a first-aid kit, flare gun, survival knife and waterproof matches. Your survival kit can be the difference between you making it out of the woods on a stretcher or your own two feet. Always keep it nearby and never leave it behind at the campsite.

Before you leave home to go camping, check to see if inclement weather is predicted in the area you are planning to visit. There are a number of sites that can provide detailed information regarding what to expect weather-wise during your trip. This information can help you better prepare for severe weather conditions.

Make sure you arrive at the campground before it gets dark. Figure out where you can park if you are driving an RV. Search for flat, dry ground when camping in a tent. Doing this before night comes around will let you become accustomed to your surroundings. It is also easier for you to see what is happening, so you won’t feel so frustrated.

Oranges can be used for insect repellent. Don’t throw away the peels when you are finished with them and rub them on yourself. Apply to any skin that’s exposed to keep insects away with no chemicals. It’s a lot cheaper than spending your money on bug spray!

Now that you have learned a little bit more about camping, it should ease your mind and help you prepare for anything that may happen on your trip. Knowing what to do makes it even more fun. From this day forward, the fun times are waiting for you.

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