Tips To Help You With Your IPhone

It seems as if almost everyone has an iPhone nowadays. However, many people are not aware of all the ways it can be used. There are a lot of people who don’t know how to get everything out of there iPhone, you may be one of them. Information regarding the best use of your phone can be obtained simply by reading on.

If your iPhone has accidentally gotten wet, rice can be used to help it dry. Dropping your phone in a puddle, the toilet or another wet location is almost inevitable. Rather than using a dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.

Dim the brightness of your iPhone to reduce battery consumption. You can do this by changing the brightness in the settings area of your phone to a lower level. This will definitely help you save your battery usage, which is important during those times when you need a fully charged phone.

Do you hate all of the notifications that come into your iPhone? Here is a tip on how to turn them off. Open Settings and select the ‘Notifications’ bar. Check the heading marked “In Notification Center” and take out any apps that you don’t need. Doing so will also extend the life of your battery.

Instead of trying to remember what a webpage or email said, you can save an image from on of them. Just hold the image you want for a moment. A box will appear giving you the option of saving the selected image.

With its standard settings, an iPhone is going to display message previews whenever a notification arrives, even if you have the screen locked. For some this is great, but others do not like it. If you are one that does not like that feature, you will be happy to learn that you can stop that feature from continuing. To disable this feature, open the message notifications under the Settings menu. You can then disable the Show Preview feature.

If you’ve even so much as touched an iPhone, you’ve become a witness to its expansive lists of features and a slight touch of its functionality. But, if you are confused about the features, how can you take full advantage of them? Use the tricks you’ve learned here to use your iPhone more fully and efficiently.

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